Fresh fruits, veggies, & meat
Coffee, herbal tea, sugar and creamer
Toilet paper, paper towels, & Kleenex
Cleaning supplies: dishwasher & dish detergent, laundry soap, bleach, bathroom cleaner (prefer eco-friendly brands)
Non-aerosol air freshener
Garbage bags (13, 30, or 33 gallons)
Alarm clocks
Night lights
Hygiene products such as: Shampoo & conditioner
Sanitary products (napkins & tampons)
New sweat shirts and sweat pants (large & extra large)
Mesh laundry bags
Motel gift certificates
Grocery store gift certificates
Taxi certificates
Bus passes
Calling cards
Movie theatre, bowling, gift certificates
Formula and bottles
Baby wipes
Formula and bottles
Baby wipes
Art and school supplies
Office supplies (copy paper, colored paper, ink cartridges)
Another house for a shelter home
Working vehicles
Another house for a shelter home
Larger office building
. . . THANK YOU . . .